Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 30/05/2016

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Summary: In Brazil, in 2012, only 5.2% of households located in rural areas were connected to the sewage-collection networks and only 28.3% used septic tanks for waste treatment. The remaining households (66.5%) deposited excreta in rudimentary pits, natural water formations, or directly into the ground. With so many chronic sanitation deficiencies, it is clear that neither the management systems or technological solutions employed to date have been able to solve the problem. In this context, this paper presents a literature review of new technologies that are being used for sanitation in the rural areas of many countries, with a focus on the inextricable relationship between water security, food security and energy security (NEXUS concept). In addition to identifying sanitation systems capable of producing reusable water, recycling nutrients and making energy, it is proposed that the multicriteria method AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), be used as a decision-making tool in selecting sanitation alternatives focused on resources for rural communities. The analysis was performed in three phases: identification of criteria, selection of decentralized technologies focusing on resources, and application of AHP. Five alternative sanitation systems (excreta management) were analyzed, as defined based on economic, technical, environmental and social criteria. The results show that it is possible to implement sanitation systems that put excreta resources toward productive purposes. The results further show that the application of multi-criteria analysis, to select alternatives is a relevant and important tool to be used by decision-making bodies in ruralsanitation policy. This study used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to select resource-oriented sanitation for rural communities as the best waste-treatment alternative. The analysis was performed in three steps: identification of criteria, selection of decentralized resource-oriented technologies, and application of AHP. We analyzed five alternative excreta-treatment systems, chosen according to economic, technical, environmental, and social criteria. It can be concluded that the application of multi-criteria analysis to carry out the selection of excreta-treatment alternatives proved to be relevant and an important tool to be used by decision-making political entities.

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