Publication date: 27/10/2023
Examining board:
Name | Role |
LÚCIA HELENA XAVIER | Examinador Externo |
RENATO RIBEIRO SIMAN | Examinador Interno |
Summary: This dissertation addresses the complex management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) with a focus on small municipalities. The growth in WEEE generation worldwide represents a significant challenge, with particularities in
reverse logistics operations due to its heterogeneous nature and the presence of valuable and hazardous components. Developed countries lead in WEEE generation, while developing countries have lower rates, but management varies due to
differences in infrastructure and regulations. In the Brazilian context, the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) established the mandatory implementation of a Reverse Logistics System (RLS) for WEEE. However, the implementation of WEEE RLS faces
challenges, including lack of information, inadequate infrastructure, and a shortage of qualified personnel. This dissertation aims to fill this gap in the literature by identifying the root causes of challenges in the implementation and operationalization of WEEE
RLS in small municipalities. Objectives include identifying challenges, validating and identifying new challenges, creating a Current Reality Tree (CRT), and proposing guidelines and strategies to facilitate the implementation of WEEE RLS in small
municipalities. Throughout the chapters, challenges were identified, including lack of awareness, inadequate infrastructure, lack of resources for research and development of WEEE recycling technologies, and difficulty in classifying and segregating WEEE.
Regarding small municipalities, the mentioned challenges assume even greater relevance, given the scarcity of resources, limited infrastructure, and lower community awareness. Therefore, the dissertation emphasizes the importance of approaches
tailored to the specific conditions of these communities, including partnerships with research institutions and awareness programs. The study contributes to understanding the challenges in WEEE management in small municipalities in Brazil
and provides valuable guidance for the successful implementation of reverse logistics systems in these challenging contexts.