Publication date: 27/09/2023

Examining board:

Namesort descending Role
ELIZEU MARIA JUNIOR Examinador Interno
GILSON SILVA FILHO Examinador Externo

Summary: The intense exploitation of natural resources, caused mainly by the industrialization process
and increasing population growth, is leading to significant losses of ecosystem services and
biodiversity. Extreme events occurring more frequently and the worsen ing of the climate crisis
have severely impacted not only ecosystems, but the economy and society. Therefore, various
sectors of the economy are beginning to understand that the availability and quality of natural
resources and the guarantee of the provisi on of ecosystem services are essential for
maintaining the production process and that financial investments are necessary to ensure that
these ecosystem services continue to be provided. This work discusses the payment for
environmental services (PSA) mec hanism as an opportunity to capture investments from
different sources and transfer them to ecosystem service providers, bringing the private sector
as a potential financier in contrast to the reality of the mechanism, which has a strong
dependence on fina ncing of public power. Through an extensive bibliographic and
documentary review, an overview of PSA in the world and in Brazil is presented and the
challenges for expanding sources of financing in the country are discussed, which include the
regulation of the National Policy for Payment for Environmental Services (PNPSA), legal
security for transactions and ensuring that political unforeseen circumstances will not affect
projects. Secondly, a comparative analysis is made between the PSA implemented in Espí rito
Santo and São Paulo. The PSA in Espírito Santo has a robust technical framework, in addition
to a structured network of partners, which contributes significantly to the operation strategy
and the continuity of the PSA, however, the almost R$100 millio n invested until 2023 was
financed by the Government of Espírito Santo. State. In turn, in the State of São Paulo, the
resources available for financing the PSA are raised from multiple sources, with less
dependence on public authorities and decentralized management. Using the example of the
state of São Paulo, the main challenges for expanding financing in Espírito Santo from sources
other than the Government were discussed, ensuring the long term sustainability of the

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