The Use of the Water Safety Plan Methodology as a Tool to Fulfill the New Sanitation Framework Targets in Water Supply Systems.


Publication date: 25/02/2022

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Examining board:

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ROSANE HEIN DE CAMPOS Internal Examiner *

Summary: Brazil is going through a process of reconstruction in the sanitation sector, with the update of the New Legal Framework for Sanitation, which establishes quantitative targets for non-intermittent supply, reduction of losses and improvement of treatment processes. Thus, it is important that the person responsible for the water supply system, whether public or private, has efficient mechanisms to ensure the production of safe water for the population. A challenge when there is a change in the person in charge of the system, since the new person in charge, if he does not know what are the points of improvement that the newly granted system needs, makes his decision-making difficult for events that may harm the quality. of water or supply. A fact that occurred in the Vila do Riacho system, WHERE in the year 2020, the management change took place and the new manager received the system without much information. In this context, the stages of system evaluation and operational monitoring of the PSA methodology were used in order to better understand the entire supply system, from the source to the distribution network, identify the risks and classify them in order to guide the new management in decision-making and thus indicate control measures to eliminate or reduce them to acceptable levels and guarantee water safety for the population served. In all, 89 risks were identified, among them 11 risks were classified as very high risk and 30 risks were classified as high risk. After identifying and proposing control measures, at the end of the first year of management, it was possible to reduce 75% of the risks to the low and alert level, only with changes in the operation. The other risks went to the improvement plan, which can be used as the quantitative targets, requested in the new Framework.

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