Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 11/10/2019

Summary: The poultry slaughterhouse wastewater contains blood, offal, excrement, fat, substances contained in the digestive tract of animals and others, characterizing an effluent with a high concentration of organic matter. These residues generate a high volume of sludge during flotation effluent treatment. In the treatment of the sludge in the treatment of the burned the first treatment of the burned in the treatment of the burned in the treatment; the following may be used to produce and produce the barraclants of the barraclide and the production of the scalant are in the production of the require preventing this material from being taken to landfill. For this, a physicochemical of the sludge and ash and the built ash filter was performed as a way to optimize the residue. The use of healthy and healthy breast milk burns to reduce the volume of water, with a reduction of 95% in its volume. The use of particles resulting from the combustion of chips and sludge as a filter material was fundamentally effective in alkalizing the smoke from the boiler chimney. The isolated chamber can be neutralized by smoke, making it more nutritious for plants. The possibility of using the ashes in the pasture and restoration areas of the company, which are known to have high acidity, could be done, but periodic analyzes of the soil fertility and acidity level of these areas should be implemented thus ensuring greater process sustainability.

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