Publication date: 05/02/2019

Namesort descending Role

Examining board:

Namesort descending Role
DANIEL RIGO Internal Examiner *
DIOGO COSTA BUARQUE External Examiner *

Summary: Reducing losses in the water supply system is a key issue in the world's basic
sanitation. Losses of up to 50% cause concern both for the reduction of potable
water reserves and for the increase in the cost of distributed water. Many systems
are objects of study to increase their production capacity when, in fact, it would
suffice to reduce losses.
This study aims to classify the level of performance in the management of the supply
system in the city of Vitoria through the indicators of real losses between the years
2014-2017; analyze the information and estimate the lost volume of water in visible
leaks obtained in the application of the Failure Form by the Concessionaire in 2016
and present the study applied on the deactivation of the treated water elevation in the
Joana D'Arc sector that guaranteed the continuous supply.
The bibliographic review shows the concepts, methods of estimating performance
indicators, management strategies and operational control, actions to reduce real
water loss in the water supply system, and the panorama of the loss index at the
national, state and municipal levels.
Each objective of this dissertation had a methodology applied; however, all are based
on a case study through the data provided by the CESAN Concessionaire.
The results and discussions allow us to conclude that the systematic and continuous
monitoring of the actions, the use of loss estimation methods to aid management and
control in the supply system, tends to reduce the volume lost in leaks, but not zero,
and guaranteeing sustainable supply to society.

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