Publication date: 17/12/2018
Summary: In the search for better living conditions, society has undergone transformations, which have enabled the technological development, generating a greater exploitation of natural resources. Simultaneously, problems arose from various orders, among them environmental ones. The current environmental crisis, emanates from these abrupt changes resulting from the appropriation of the environment by the human being. It is precisely in this scenario that Environmental Education arises as a proposal and
perspective for the formation of a new social, moral and ethical action. In this sense,
Environmental Education is a tool for promoting cultural transformation and
overcoming the environmental crisis we are experiencing. The objective of this work is
to carry out a situational diagnosis of Environmental Education in the municipal public education of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES, as determined by Resolution nº 2, of 06/15/12, of the National Education Council. To understand the proposed theme, a bibliographic research was carried out on the themes Environmental Education, Environmental Management, Sustainability, Environmental Pedagogical Practices, Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity. The bibliographical research aimed to analyze the legislation regarding the proposed theme, as well as to seek examples of pedagogical practices of Environmental Education. The bibliography researched was mainly based on the publications of the last ten years. The research was carried out
through periodic queries indexed in the database of: Portal Periódicos Capes, Scielo, Google Scholar; besides consultations to the Planalto sites; Cachoeiro de Itapemirim City Hall, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Municipal Secretary of the Environment, and Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Education Department, as well as doctoral dissertations and master's dissertations. Also, in order to reach the proposed object, a field survey was carried out in the eighteen elementary schools of the Municipality of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim. An exploratory case study, through the application of questionnaires with school employees. The research was divided in three stages: 1. Formalization of partnership with the Municipal Secretary of Education of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES;
2. Selection of Schools; 3. Evaluation if the municipal public schools of primary
education in Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES develop Environmental Education. The Environmental Education in the municipality of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim is still under construction with the need of reassessing its pedagogical proposals, through a continuous process, valuing the regionality to seek cultural, social and political transformations. Teachers need to be qualified to work on the environment in a crossdisciplinary and interdisciplinary way. And the current legislation on Environmental Education needs to be disseminated in the academic environment. Through a new effective proposal of Environmental Education, the Municipality of Cachoeiro may have a perspective of formation and transformation socio-environmental, cultural and ethical.