Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 17/12/2018

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Examining board:

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ROSANE HEIN DE CAMPOS Internal Examiner *

Summary: The processing of dimensional stones generates around 1,610,000 tons of waste
per year in the world. The solid waste generated in the processing of these rocks
presents a high recyclability potential as a raw material for glassmaking, due to the
presence of some oxides in its composition as Al2O3, K2O, CaO, Na2O, MgO and
SiO2, the main glass forming oxide. The goal of this work was to evaluate the
technical feasibility of glass production with the exclusive use of residues of
ornamental stones: abrasive sludge (LBRO) and quartzite residue from the quarry
activity as well as of calcitic and dolomitic rocks. As secondary objectives to carry
out the physical-chemical characterization of the raw materials used; to perform the
physico-chemical characterization of the glasses obtained; compare the results of
the produced glasses. Two types of glass were produced, one with abrasive sludge
disposed in a heterogeneous form in a piece of ornamental rock residues and
enriched with quartzite residue, and the other with only quartzite residue, both at a
maximum temperature of 1200 ° C. The results of the x-ray diffraction (DRX) showed
the complete vitrification of the glasses produced; the FRX showed characteristics
similar to the common glass pattern; the density of the glass with mud and quartzite
was 2.71 g / cm3 and that of the glass with quartzite was 1.77 g / cm3
; the hydrolytic
resistance was classified as very low in both cases, according to ISO 719. The iron
content present in the first mixture resulted in a green colored glass, while the
quartzite glass was colorless. It was concluded that there is technical feasibility in
the production of glasses using only dimension stone wastes.

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