Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 15/01/2018

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Summary: Water is one of the ways in which pesticides are transported from the sites that have been applied to other parts of the environment, which can generate, as a consequence, many negative impacts. As a result of this factor, the condition of its use and application is regulated by normative acts. The DPSIR -Driven, Pressure, State, Impact, Response, developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) was used as the guiding principle for an interdisciplinary study from a sustainable perspective. From the panorama obtained through legal aspects and secondary data, the diagnosis of the use of herbicides in the State of Espírito Santo and the possible aggravations for the water of public supply was carried out. It was verified the possibility of using the ARAquá and groscre softwares as an electronic resource for the application of predictive models, it was estimated the vulnerability to impacts of the scenario being studied and then, the presence of the most consumed herbicide Glyphosate worldwide was monitored in surface waters of the South Arm of the Jucu River in the unicipality of Marechal Floriano. Among the results, it was verified that only 35.02% of the merchants were accountable for the sale of agrochemicals to the body responsible for inspection. The Municipality that most sold agrochemicals in the year 2016 was São Gabriel da Palha (14%). Since the active principles that were most present in the commercialized formulations, both in the State of Espírito Santo and in the Jucu River Basin, and in Marechal
Floriano were Glyphosate, Paraquat, 2,4D, and Picloram. Between 2014 and 2016, the VIGIAGUA Program monitored only 15 of the 27 agrochemicals listed in Ordinance No. 2914/2011 of the Ministry of Health, in 15 of the 78 municipalities that make up the State. Softwares have proven to be practical in their purpose, however there is a lack of updated databases for your pplication. Three samples for the analysis of Glyphosate showed its presence. With the work, deficiencies were verified in the state system of control of the commercialization and the use of pesticides. It was also confirmed the ontamination by Glyphosate of the monitored point, demonstrating that the human health and the quality of the environment may be being compromised.

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